8 Characteristics Of Effective Communication

We all communicate with each other on a daily basis. Sharing and conveying information is the foundation of all business in the world and it is of crucial importance that one learns how to become an effective communicator . What is effective communication? When the sender and receiver of the message are on the same page regarding the information that is being shared, then it can be termed as effective communication. In advertising and PR, effective communication holds immense weightage as any vague message can lead to a complete disaster for the people involved. To know what effective communication really constitutes, it is helpful to keep in mind the characteristics of the same. Here are 8 of them: 1. Complete: The message should be complete and there should be no scope for questions. 2. Clear: The communication should be clear and self-explanatory about why it has been transmitted and what the nature of its transmission is. 3. Correct: The informatio...